I’m a big fan of Evernote and sometimes I just go through my notes, notebooks and tags to clean things up. Sometimes I then just check Google to see if people have good suggestions related to what I’m doing. In this case, I came across a site called moh.io where you can connect some of […]
Time Machine with Raspberry Pi
Create a Time Machine backup location for you Mac OS X systems using a Raspberry Pi and an USB harddisk. Works like a charm! Setup your Raspberry Pi with Raspbian and connect the USB Harddisk. Login to your RPi and execute the following command: $ sudo fdisk -l Your disk will be one of the /dev/sd* […]
Cobblebot 3D Printer @Kickstarter
If you are looking for a 3D printer, you should look at the Cobblebot 3D printer on Kickstarter. For only $ 299,- (about € 220,-) you can get a 3D printer with a print area of 15″x15″x15″. It has a fixed printer bed and a large 6″ LCD Display. Looking forward to receive mine by […]
Use your smartphone as document scanner
A simple post today about using your smartphone as a (document)scanner to digitize about anything. For some reason I knew this existed, but never really looked into it. Usually I use my Canon multifunctional for duplex scanning my mail, forms, invoices and so on and store it in Evernote. Check my article about using wappwolf […]
Rsync backup Mac OS X to Synology
I use Apple’s Time Machine to make a regular backup of my Macbook. This seems to work okay, but so now and then it needs to redo the complete backup to remain reliable…. That sounds a little unreliable to me. Because most of my data is on my Synology NAS or in the Cloud like […]
Rsync backup Synology to Raspberry Pi
I’ve been using the Strato Hidrive service for a couple of years now to make a remote backup of my local Synology NAS. This is done using Rsync that is available on the Synology and with Hidrive. Strato Hidrive offers much more than only Rsync, but I just use it for remote backup. Actually I […]
Yoink – Drag and Drop thingy for Mac OS
Yoink is a nice little app I found in the appstore and I want to share with you. This app shows a little sidebar when you need it, which is when you want to drag and drop something on your Mac. This is one of the apps you didn’t knew you need it. Having many applications […]
Sensor Box
I’ve been working on replacing the 433Mhz cheap transmitters (send only) by the RFM12b 868 Mhz Transceivers (send & receive) by using the RF12 library from jeelib. Things are working now, but it’s quite a bunch of work to convert all devices ;-). Also I’m very happy with the Attiny84 microcontrollers which allow some low […]
Notification when host unavailable
I needed a solution to check every x-minutes if my IP camera is still online. I use the Pushingbox.com service to send a notification when a certain host is not available. Checkout Pushingbox.com to see which kinds of notification services they offer. At least a notification to email and Prowl! is possible. I’ve combined the […]