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Mohio – Visualize your Cloud

I’m a big fan of Evernote and sometimes I just go through my notes, notebooks and tags to clean things up. Sometimes I then just check Google to see if people have good suggestions related to what I’m doing. In this case, I came across a site called where you can connect some of […]

Use your smartphone as document scanner

A simple post today about using your smartphone as a (document)scanner to digitize about anything. For some reason I knew this existed, but never really looked into it. Usually I use my Canon multifunctional for duplex scanning my mail, forms, invoices and so on and store it in Evernote. Check my article about using wappwolf […]

Sensor Box

I’ve been working on replacing the 433Mhz cheap transmitters (send only) by the RFM12b 868 Mhz Transceivers (send & receive) by using the RF12 library from jeelib. Things are working now, but it’s quite a bunch of work to convert all devices ;-). Also I’m very happy with the Attiny84 microcontrollers which allow some low […]