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Solar Panels 1 year status!

Solar Panels 1 year status!

Exactly 1 year ago we had our solarpanels installed on our roof. Time to check if all the nice expectations are fulfilled. Install date: september 20th, 2012 13 x 240 Wp panels 3120 Wp total Pointed towards the east-south-east Supplier estimate: 2800 kWh / year (they said it was a positive number) My own calculated negative […]

Plugable USB 3.0 UGA Display adapter

Today I’ve received the Plugable USB 3.0 UGA multiple display adapter. Using this device you can add multiple displays to Windows systems and also Apple Mac OS X systems. Mac OS X support is added recently so most of the sites still state that only Windows is supported. It can connect to DVI or HDMI […]

SensorBox v0.16 available

A new version of my SensorBox code for Arduino is available for download. Some of the improvements are: Optimized code. A loop is created to upload data of the TinyTX sensors to Open.Sen.Se ChannelID’s are stored in EEPROM ChannelID’s configurable via Telnet Watchdog timer Use the code as an example to build your own. There […]