Finally I made some time to play a couple of hours with a new type of microcontroller that offers a lot of possibilities. Especially for Internet of Things purposes! I’m talking about the ESP8266 which, at the time of introduction, was used often as a very cheap WIFI adapter for i.e. Arduino’s. The ESP8266 costs […]
Mac OS X – write images to SD Card with
Updated 2018: Just download Etcher which works like a charm. Although the below still works! Writing SDCard images using my Macbook took way to long, up to half an hour to write one simple Raspberry Pi image to a SDCard. I just did what many instructions told me to do. You will probably recognize this command: dd if=/path/to/image/file.img of=/dev/disk3 bs=1m […]
Raspberry Pi Open Monitoring Distributio...
Post updated 29-11-2019. Checkmk is now owned / created by Tribe29. Check_MK has been renamed to checkmk. I haven’t used checkmk for a while, so the code examples below still contains the old name: Check_MK. Read the manual, google and find out for yourself if the commands are still valid or that you have to […]
OSMO – Play with real objects on iPad
Osmo created a great product to combine real life objects and playing on the iPad. Using a small mirror which can be mounted on the iPad front cam the Osmo apps can recognize objects placed in front of the iPad. With the game Tangram you see shapes on the iPad screen which you have to create […]
Time Machine with Raspberry Pi
Create a Time Machine backup location for you Mac OS X systems using a Raspberry Pi and an USB harddisk. Works like a charm! Setup your Raspberry Pi with Raspbian and connect the USB Harddisk. Login to your RPi and execute the following command: $ sudo fdisk -l Your disk will be one of the /dev/sd* […]
Cobblebot 3D Printer @Kickstarter
If you are looking for a 3D printer, you should look at the Cobblebot 3D printer on Kickstarter. For only $ 299,- (about € 220,-) you can get a 3D printer with a print area of 15″x15″x15″. It has a fixed printer bed and a large 6″ LCD Display. Looking forward to receive mine by […]
Rsync backup Mac OS X to Synology
I use Apple’s Time Machine to make a regular backup of my Macbook. This seems to work okay, but so now and then it needs to redo the complete backup to remain reliable…. That sounds a little unreliable to me. Because most of my data is on my Synology NAS or in the Cloud like […]
Rsync backup Synology to Raspberry Pi
I’ve been using the Strato Hidrive service for a couple of years now to make a remote backup of my local Synology NAS. This is done using Rsync that is available on the Synology and with Hidrive. Strato Hidrive offers much more than only Rsync, but I just use it for remote backup. Actually I […]
Solar Panels 1 year status!
Exactly 1 year ago we had our solarpanels installed on our roof. Time to check if all the nice expectations are fulfilled. Install date: september 20th, 2012 13 x 240 Wp panels 3120 Wp total Pointed towards the east-south-east Supplier estimate: 2800 kWh / year (they said it was a positive number) My own calculated negative […]