Looking for a networked IP Camera to watch your property? I’ve been looking around for several camera’s which offer a reasonable quality and are not too expensive.

The professional cam’s start at about 500 euro’s. I’ve found a nice IP camera with Infrared nightview, wired and wireless (wifi) network connection and it’s compatible with Synology Surveillance Station and browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome. You can even watch the images on your Java enabled phone.

Just search the internet for Foscam FI8904w IP camera, prices should be just below € 100,- for the 24 IR-Led version. Don’t expect HD quality, but you will be able to recognize people and use nice features like FTP and Email alarms (sending you multiple snapshots of the motion detected!). The camera’s have a good user interface which can connect also to multiple camera’s (of same type). This means you can login to your ‘master’ camera and not only view images of that camera, but also view images of your other camera’s within the same user interface.

I’ve seen several warnings for imitation Foscam camera’s meaning the firmware from Foscam is not usable on those camera’s which might lead to issues.
In the Netherlands you can buy it at this official Foscam dealer.