Today I’ve received the Plugable USB 3.0 UGA multiple display adapter. Using this device you can add multiple displays to Windows systems and also Apple Mac OS X systems. Mac OS X support is added recently so most of the sites still state that only Windows is supported. It can connect to DVI or HDMI display.

The device uses the Displaylink DL-3500 chipset. It seems that many (or most of?) this kind of adapters are build on Displaylink chipsets. Need the most recent drivers? Go to the DisplayLink website.

I’ve tested the device on a Macbook Pro 2012 (Core i7 2.9Ghz, 8 Gb  Memory) running Mac OS X Mountain Lion. It works very well. It plays 1080p HD video from Youtube on my 17″ TFT (1280×1024) when connected to USB 3. I can’t really tell the difference when using USB 2.0. It might seem that it is a little slower.

This is not a complete review, just my first impression and most of all a confirmation it works on Mac OS X!