I’ve upgraded my domotica setup with a Philips Hue. Before I switched the lights using a remote control or via Node-Red and using the cheap 433 Mhz wall outlet switches of Elro, Klik Aan/Klik Uit, Action, and so on. Since the install of the Hue I was missing the remote control to easily switch the lights. Every time I had to get my phone to control the lights.
Today I created a simple 433 Mhz receiver gateway that receives the commands or codes from the cheap remote control that belongs together with the cheap wall outlets which I don’t (at least not for my home lighting) anymore. The gateway receives the codes and publishes those in a MQTT Topic. Node-Red is reading the topic and will perform actions based on the codes. So now I can use that cheap remote controller again and trigger predefined tasks within Node-Red. Node-Red controls all of my domotica at home.
You need an Arduino Uno (or Mega), an W5100 Ethernet shield and a cheap RF433 Receiver which you can find on ebay for a dollar or so.
Connect the receiver data pin to either Digital Pin 2 (INT 0) or Digital Pin 3 (INT 1) on the Arduino and of course the VCC to 5v and GND to… GND!.
RemoteReceiver::init(1, 3, showCode); // The first parameter is the INTerrupt. 1 means Pin3, 0 means Pin 2.
Download the source and change your IP, Username and Password related to the MQTT Broker. You also need the RemoteSwitch and PubSubClient library for Arduino (running on 1.6.5)
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Have Fun![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
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