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Wake RN2483 from Sleep (LoraWAN) using S...

I finally found some time again to build some LoraWAN Arduino toys for TheThingsNetwork. Basically it’s just a temperature sensor measuring outdoor water temperature and sending it once in a couple of hours via TTN to my Node-Red install. I’ve used the RN2483 library from JP Meijers which works great. I use an Arduino Pro […]

Build (TTN) LoRaWan Node

Many people want to build a node to test their own TTN (The Things Network) gateway and build new use cases. It’s not that hard to build a node when you know which components to buy. With this post I’ve collected some information which might save you time in getting the things together. Building a […]

RF 433Mhz to MQTT Gateway

I’ve upgraded my domotica setup with a Philips Hue. Before I switched the lights using a remote control or via Node-Red and using the cheap 433 Mhz wall outlet switches of Elro, Klik Aan/Klik Uit, Action, and so on. Since the install of the Hue I was missing the remote control to easily switch the […]

Arduino DIY – Software updates

At the moment I’m still working to improve the DomoticaBox, SensorBox, Wireless LCD Display software. Once I have a new complete matching set that is suitable for download, I will update the links on this site again. Some improvements are: Watchdog to auto reset in case of lockups Use EEPROM for storing Open.Sen.Se feedID’s for […]

RTC timesync to Arduino

I’ve added some new code to the wireless LCD Display and my Raspberry PI to set the time on the wireless LCD display correctly and regularly. The wireless LCD Display has a DS1307 RTC connected but it is not the most accurate so time will shift after a while. The Arduino time library has an […]

Sensor Box

I’ve been working on replacing the 433Mhz cheap transmitters (send only) by the RFM12b 868 Mhz Transceivers (send & receive) by using the RF12 library from jeelib. Things are working now, but it’s quite a bunch of work to convert all devices ;-). Also I’m very happy with the Attiny84 microcontrollers which allow some low […]

Energy monitoring with Arduino

Since we’ve bought a bunch of solar panels on our roof, I’m building an electricity monitoring device based on the Arduino microcontroller. It’s running for a while, monitoring solar power generation but now it can also read the Smart energy Meter which we got from the energy company.  So currently it reads and/or calculates the […]