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Wake RN2483 from Sleep (LoraWAN) using S...

I finally found some time again to build some LoraWAN Arduino toys for TheThingsNetwork. Basically it’s just a temperature sensor measuring outdoor water temperature and sending it once in a couple of hours via TTN to my Node-Red install. I’ve used the RN2483 library from JP Meijers which works great. I use an Arduino Pro […]

Build (TTN) LoRaWan Node

Many people want to build a node to test their own TTN (The Things Network) gateway and build new use cases. It’s not that hard to build a node when you know which components to buy. With this post I’ve collected some information which might save you time in getting the things together. Building a […]

LoRaWan Gateway – DIY

This post will describe how to build your own LoRaWAN gateway to connect to i.e. The Things Network or other IOT Networks. If you haven’t heard about the LORA technology and TheThingsNetwork and you are interested in Internet of Things, do some googling 😉 You’ve probably found this article because you are looking for a […]

The Things Network – LoRaWAN

The Things Network – LoRaWAN

We are at the start of a worldwide roll-out of a global open crowdsourced Internet of Things data network. If you have any interest in IoT or want to be part of the beginning of something big, check out the page that explains all, The Things Network. In short the guys behind this build a wireless […]