Today the new Raspberry Pi 2 model B was announced. ARMv7 CPU with 1 Gb of memory. This made me search for OMD (Open Monitoring Distribution) for ARMv7 (Which can be found here). While searching I stumbled upon an update OMD 1.21 for ARMv6 which is the original Raspberry Pi. I have two Pi’s running. One at my location and one at a customer site.
I upgraded my Pi succesfully to the new version using the following commands:
Login as root (or su -)
echo 'deb wheezy main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/consol.list
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys F8C1CA08A57B9ED7
gpg --armor --export F8C1CA08A57B9ED7 | apt-key add -
aptitude update
aptitude search omd-1.21
The final command will return the latest 1.21 build, in my case: omd-1.21.20141206
aptitude install omd-1.21.20141206
A new installation of OMD will be installed. This is how OMD is updated, it’s not overwriting an old install.
omd versions (shows you the installed versions)
omd stop <sitename>
omd update <sitename>
omd start <sitename>
Now you will be running the OMD 1.21 version.
During the update I got an error related to new settings in NagVis config. I don’t use Nagvis yet, only messed a little with it. So I choose to just install the new settings. On the other Pi where I haven’t messed around with NagVis I didn’t get any errors.
This is great instructions but a bit out of date now. Do you have any up to date instructions as Check_MK Agent seems to have been replaced.
Ive installed omdlabs 2.10
and Check_MK
Also I get a Error 400 on various pages but I believe that is down to the nagios and MK Agent.
Any chance you could help get the latest versions for this to work please ?
Hi Martyn,
The omdlabs 2.10 version gives all kind of errors after a basic install. With some time they can be resolved but I don’t have that time neither do I have the need to fix it.
I did an install of OMD 1.30 which can be found This install went smooth so far and restoring my settings from 1.20 works. So my advice to you if you want to get started asap on the Raspberry Pi with OMD, go for the OMD 1.30 and you can probably follow my tutorial (which isn’t that outdated afterall!).
Make sure to use Raspbian Jessie with OMD 1.30!
Best Regards,