Today the new Raspberry Pi 2 model B was announced. ARMv7 CPU with 1 Gb of memory. This made me search for OMD (Open Monitoring Distribution) for ARMv7 (Which can be found here). While searching I stumbled upon an update OMD 1.21 for ARMv6 which is the original Raspberry Pi. I have two Pi’s running. One at my location and one at a customer site.

I upgraded my Pi succesfully to the new version using the following commands:

Login as root (or su -)
echo 'deb wheezy main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/consol.list
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys F8C1CA08A57B9ED7
gpg --armor --export F8C1CA08A57B9ED7 | apt-key add -
aptitude update
aptitude search omd-1.21

The final command will return the latest 1.21 build, in my case: omd-1.21.20141206

aptitude install omd-1.21.20141206

A new installation of OMD will be installed. This is how OMD is updated, it’s not overwriting an old install.

omd versions (shows you the installed versions)
omd stop <sitename>
omd update <sitename>
omd start <sitename>

Now you will be running the OMD 1.21 version.
During the update I got an error related to new settings in NagVis config. I don’t use Nagvis yet, only messed a little with it. So I choose to just install the new settings. On the other Pi where I haven’t messed around with NagVis I didn’t get any errors.