Within a couple of weeks I will do a presentation on Projectmanager 2.0 within our company. Because this is all about a new way of working together and also about using new online Web 2.0 applications, Social Media and devices like smartphones and tablets, I want to do the presentation from my iPad.
A quick google search led me to the iPad VGA connector cable. My car brought me to the Apple store to buy one ;-). This setup is no rocket science. Just plugin the cable to the iPad and connect it to a VGA monitor or projector and enable AirMirroring on the iPad. (only iPad 2+ and iPhone 4s support AirMirroring).
Airmirror is functionality that mirrors your iPhone or iPad display to an external display. You can use whatever App to do the presentation itself. Think about KeyNotes, Prezi and so on.
Actually this does exactly the same as Airmirror to the Apple TV so if you have an AppleTV 2 or 3 and a projector with HDMI connection, you can wireless present using the iPad with the AppleTV.
The only disadvantage of this iPad VGA Connector cable is the…. Cable. I would prefer to be able to walk around with my iPad without dragging the VGA cable with me.
A solution, besides the above mentioned AppleTV which has HDMI output only, is a Mac OS X application called AirServerApp. The Airserver application is installed on an iMac or Macbook system. Now it can act as an Airserver meaning you can display the screen of your iPad 2 or iPhone 4S on your Mac OS X device. Connect an external VGA monitor or projector to your MacBook and you have a great solution to present from your iPad to a projector and wireless.
I used the connector cable yesterday and had very positive reactions on the fact that I could easily display the PDF on my iPad to 3 other colleagues on a normal 17″ monitor. Could have done it with a laptop too ofcourse… But that is so 2011 😉
Instead of using the iPad 2+, the iPhone 4s can be used too.
I use an app called Presentation Note, that can is meant for powerpoint users that like to present live from an iPad. So far works great. I’m also not a fan of walking around with cables, that’s why I use Apple TV (whenever possible).