I’m a big fan of Evernote and sometimes I just go through my notes, notebooks and tags to clean things up. Sometimes I then just check Google to see if people have good suggestions related to what I’m doing. In this case, I came across a site called moh.io where you can connect some of […]
Rsync backup Synology to Raspberry Pi
I’ve been using the Strato Hidrive service for a couple of years now to make a remote backup of my local Synology NAS. This is done using Rsync that is available on the Synology and with Hidrive. Strato Hidrive offers much more than only Rsync, but I just use it for remote backup. Actually I […]
Backup strategy and Synology Online back...
I’m happy to see that more users are starting to use NAS devices (Network Attached Storage) to store and share their data, music, photos and videos within a household. Many people choose for a setup with a RAID 1 configuration which means that they have installed 2 harddisks that hold a copy of each others […]
OpenDNS maakt je netwerk en internet geb...
Het DNS (Domain Name System) is het systeem wat de internet adressen zoals www.vdsar.net vertaalt naar het bijbehorende IP adres zodat de website op onze computer getoond kan worden. Elke internet aanbieder heeft zijn eigen DNS server die je automatisch gebruikt als je van je internet aansluiting gebruik maakt. Dit is over het algemeen een […]
LastPass – The last password you’ll have
LastPass is a password manager that makes web browsing easier and more secure. Although I’ve never been enthousiastic about using a password manager, I’m completely convinced now! My main concerns were usability and reliability of the application. One of the main benefits of using a password manager is that you are able to use unique […]
Open DNS, make your network more secure ...
Make your network safer, faster, smarter and more reliable by simply modifying your DNS Settings. Look at www.opendns.com. It also offers you a way to limit access to websites not suitable for your kids.